Monday, 10 October 2011

Welcome to the world of improvisation!

Check out this iphone improv games

Improvisation is the key to all good drama. This improvisation game is character based, getting players to focus on "who" they are acting. They learn to think on their feet and respond to offers from other players. They learn a certain freedom and flow on stage with improvisation.

This Improv Games is an old classic, so hopefully these steps help out:

1. Solicit from the audience some basic elements - a Character, a Place.
2. Then begin telling, from time to time (frequently) pausing to allow the audience to add suggestions - objects, places, characters etc. to the story. Once you accept something from the audience - it must continue as part of the story.
3. Draw on all the senses with your narration. Describe the scenes. Let feelings flow from your characters.
4. As you build your tale, keeping in mind the elements of a story and its unfolding plot, always pushing towards "danger", or building tension into the tale. Here knowledge of folklore and traditional stories comes in very handy.
5. Be imaginative and creative - go for surprises and unusual twists.
6. Finally bring the story to an appropriate climax and conclusion. (Usually the re-incorporating the earlier events, objects, places and characters will give you a direction in which to go. This is the hardest part - getting out of the story, once you have gotten into it - it is also the element that makes Improv telling so much fun!)

Play, Laugh, and Improvise!

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